our mission & vision

Our journey started with a powerful vision: to transform spaces and rekindle excitement for returning to the office and inner-city locations. We recognized the barriers that arise when user desire diverse experiences and activities—often requiring separate locations. HAVIT was born to break down those barriers and to introduce a general holistic as a tenant to owners. Instead of various contracts and areas, HAVIT operates as a full-service-provider for large as well as for smaller spaces. 

Yet, what truly sets Havit apart isn’t solely the range of services we offer—it’s the passion of our team driving innovation. From our skilled financial professionals and visionary architects to experts in fitness, spa treatments, and conferencing, every division is guided by individuals dedicated to their craft. This diverse collaboration ensures that every facet of Havit is meticulously designed, resulting in an environment where possibilities flourish.

our response
to global trends


Work and leisure time nowadays intertwine harmoniously. Knowing this, HAVIT offers its guests a smooth transition between both spheres by offering a seamless access to versatile amenities.


The relevance of the quality of life increased tremendously with trends as holistic health and resilience. Quality and an inspiring as well as healing ambience mark the most relevant corporate pillars of HAVIT. 


People want to be excited and inspired by creative surroundings which are convenient and accessible. We are committed to creating vibrant hubs that inspire to embrace multifaceted experiences.

meet the team

Simon Tozman

Founder &


Paulina Held

Manager Hospitality &
Business Development


Learn more about HAVIT

Contact us

Don’t hesitate to contact us for any questions or inquiries regarding our facilities or digital offerings.

Feel free to email us at info@we-havit.com or contact us using this form.